Month: April 2012

Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative

I was very fortunate last month to have the opportunity to see Sir Ken Robinson speak at the Wharton. He was fantastic. Witty, charismatic and fun, yet he had so many insightful things to say. I jotted down notes as fast as I could while he was speaking, and I learned a lot, so I thought I’d take a minute and share a little bit of what he shared:

-Most people’s lives don’t go according to plan. You can have intentions, but it’s impossible to actually plan your life.

-“You don’t get your resume with your birth certificate.”

-Open yourself up to opportunity by being passionate, creating ripples, affecting lives (more…)

Cancer Sucks

I’ve re-written this post in my head maybe 20 times. I’ve actually re-written it more than once on my computer. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t been affected by cancer in some way at some point in their lives. It’s a heartbreaking, gut-wrenching disease. I am fortunate to know people who have fought the battle against cancer and won. I am sad to say that my Auntie Debbie lost her battle on Tuesday morning after a year long fight. (more…)

National Siblings Day!

Today is National Siblings Day! I was extremely excited to find out because, those of you that know me, know I talk about my sister, Kristina, as often as I can. I’m constantly singing her praises, for very good reasons. My sister is awesome. Seriously. She’s the very best.

Sissy was a talented gymnast, dancer, volleyball player, runner, and soccer player in high school. She’s currently a soccer star at Ohio Northern University. I’d list all of her impressive records and accomplishments, but if you read any of the soccer articles on the ONU athletic website, you’ll see what I’m talking about. I would just like to throw it out there though, that her overtime goal in the first round of the NCAA tournament pushed the polar bears into the second round for the first time in school history. It was voted goal of the year by her team. (more…)